It is with great pride and enthusiasm – coupled with just the right amount of crippling fear and self-doubt – that I announce the launch of my new novel, Sick to Death. (Available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle form.)
Sick to Death is being hailed by critics everywhere as the greatest novel ever written about a group of terminally ill individuals who become vigilante serial killers.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to sit here and write some long blog post about how awesome the book is.
I’m simply going to beg you to BUY IT.
If you need a little more convincing before making your purchase, I understand. That’s why I added a whole Sick to Death page to my website where you can read the book’s blurb, an excerpt from Chapter 1, as well as some early reader testimonials. And then there’s what I consider the coolest feature of the page: The bright red “BUY IT” icon. You should really give that icon a try.
To all of you who end up succumbing to the pressure, THANK YOU – I hope you thoroughly enjoy the book. To the rest of you, THANK YOU – I hope my unconditional gratitude will compel you to buy the book.